Resources For Moms
10 Tips for Managing MIddle School
10 tips in one place to share with your daughters as they get ready to enter Middle School!
The Teen Sleep Bundle
Sleep is an underrated yet essential part of mental & physical health for teens.
In this bundle you will find a comprehensive
E-Book paired with other printables to help you and your teen understand and manage sleep
Navigating the Digital Maze
Social Media can feel overwhelming. When to introduce it AND how to manage it!
In this bundle you will find on demand video modules along with other printables to help you navigate social media with your teen daughter.
Dating Bundle
I know it is a topic that makes us all uncomfortable, but having open and honest discussions about dating, relationships, and sex is crucial. In this bundle you will receive an E-Book as well as a workbook & other printables to help you have meaningful & informative conversations!
The Friendship Bundle
Friendship in the teen years can be tricky & confusing.
In this bundle you will find a video for moms and teen girls along with other printables to support you and your teen in understanding & navigating friendships
The Rainbow of Feelings
An 8-Week Group Curriculum encouraging mindful emotional regulation in young children
The Hard Stuff
An e-book that about how to have the tough conversations around dating, relationships, & sex with your teen daughter.
Thoughts Between us
A downloadable journal with prompts to facilitate communication between moms & teen daughters
A Girl's Guide to Dating
A downloadable workbook with information, questions, and conversation starters for moms and teen girls.
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